Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Elk Preserve at Tomales Point

So, I don't think I'm going to do this too often, but the hike from two Sundays ago is completely worth sharing. All of the photos are Dad's because of his aforementioned ability to zoom and take better pictures. The photos are from Tomales Point, which hosts an elk preserve in Point Reyes National Seashore.

So that was amazing. Like I said, I don't think I'm gonna do a ton of posts from from past hikes, but don't hold me to that. This hike, including a short walk down to the beach was about 10.5 miles.


  1. The coyote was something of a shock; we'd just passed a herd of doe elks when I saw a tawny furry creature stretched out in the grass. I approached it thinking it might be a dead elk, but when I was about 10 yards away it arose and shape-shifted into the creature you see. He trotted to a spot about 8o feet away from us, then watched us as we continued down the trail.

  2. These images are wonderful. I mean most of the ones on here have been good but the fog behind the elk (I think it's an elk) is great. Particularly the one in a mostly profile stance looking directly towards you. There are two of those but the one with less of the other elk (if I'm conceding that I believe it is indeed an elk - and I am) is my favorite. These images give the sense that the day just sort of opened up around you with the fog receding like some of gaseous hand releasing its grip. I love love love it! Thanks for sharing.

    1. The fog tricked me, upon further review that elk doesn't care for you at all, its looking away.

  3. :) :) :) Thanks, Jason!
    And yes, I really cannot stress enough how little the elk cared about us at all. (I am still trying to figure out how one goes about following this blog... promise to tell you as soon as I know).

  4. If you go back to the main page and scroll to the bottom you can subscribe to "blog posts" (at least on a desk top I see that option).
